Interview of our Artistic Director Kaitlin Argeaux

We are hard at work on our top secret new writing venture. It's a period drama veering on the edge of horror featuring a lead female role over the age of 40. Sadly, this is more unusual than it should be and if you are keen to hear more about our company's stance on all things feminist related - check out this interview our Artistic Director Kaitlin Argeaux did with Munir Bello.


We will reveal more about this period horror piece as we go, but we are pushing for this to premiere in 2017.


Kaitlin Argeaux – “We don’t need 5 figure budgets to make magic”


I like creatives like my guest today because she is one of few in a competitive industry who wants to help others. Kaitlin Argeaux is a Theatre Director from America living in London. The stage has been in her life since she started dancing at the age of 3. Acting came next and directing is the hat now worn which compliments her other skills. She is vocal about wanting more equality in the workplace for women in an industry that is lopsided in its favouritism towards men. TBUR likes making new friends and Kaitlin is the latest in a long line of them that I have made. Through the course of this interview you will be hearing a lot more from this likeable and brave character who’s ambition knows no boundaries.