It's Rude To Stare.....

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As we near the ten day countdown - ten days until our show opens!- we are rehearsing longer and harder than ever in preparation. With the devising process mostly behind us, lines memorized,  and costumes sorted - we turn now to the RUNS.  Full runs, tech runs, dress runs; you name it! So it comes at a perfect time that "It's Rude To Stare" have written a feature about our show; The Dagger and White Lily.  For those of you not in the know "It's Rude To Stare" is an online lifestyle guide; a one stop site for all the best events, restaurants, gigs, bars, arts and culture going down in the city. With a stunning layout and lots of visuals, there is a definite emphasis on the arts and we love it! 
For the full feature, please click HERE.  
Big THANK YOU to Ahmed Elmi for the article.  

Images are the property of "It's Rude To Stare" 

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